First things first! Do your research!

DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor, trainer, or any other kind of professional in regards to a ketogenic diet. Everything you read below is based on my personal research and opinions.

I found several helpful websites that guided me through how to follow a ketogenic diet (see below).  According to what I read, there was no way I wouldn’t lose weight following this way of eating.  Notice I said way of eating instead of diet.  That’s an important distinction.  The key was to watch those carbs and stick to it!  No cheating.  As you research other websites and resources you may find recommendations of cheat days.  I won’t tell you not to do that but this book is about what I did and I most definitely did not cheat.  Ever.  I made the choice to completely change my way of eating and this was not a temporary thing.  I was making these changes for life.  Will I never have bread, potatoes, rice or pasta again?  Yes, I believe one day I will add them back into my diet but they will be as a treat and I will keep the portions small.  

Useful Websites to get you started:

During those first few weeks I followed this simple plan:
  • Increased my water intake to 64 oz or more per day and cut out all other beverages.  No more sodas, no sweet tea, not even flavored water.  Bottled water only.
  • Cut out all potatoes, rice, bread, and pasta.  
  • Only ate if I was hungry - not out of boredom - no emotional eating.

After only 6 weeks of starting my ketogenic way of life, I had dropped an impressive 21 pounds.  And then I went on vacation.  I thought I’d be smart and stock up on lots of the low carb bars and snacks you can find at the grocery store.  That way I could snack on those rather than eating out too much and risking tons of hidden carbs.  I stalled for two weeks.  And I promise you, I did not cheat!!  It is my belief that the artificial sweeteners in those foods affected me.  Maybe it was that combined with simply eating too much of those things.  I wasn’t eating much in the way of whole foods and I’m sure that didn’t help either.

Was I discouraged?  YES!!  Did I give up?  Absolutely not.  I am too stubborn and too determined to give up that easily.  So I started over.  But this time I was 21 pounds down so an even better starting point.

In addition to the above plan, I added what I consider to be the most important part of my keto way of life.  I started writing down every single thing I ate.  I kept a food diary online (there are many amazing ones but I like  By tracking everything, it held me accountable and I knew when I made mistakes.

I do  have to confess something here.  Giving up carbs has taught me something about myself.  I was addicted to food.  I was especially addicted to carbs.  I was an emotional eater and probably ate hundreds if not a thousand carbs in a day.  Easily.  And I was always hungry for more.  I ate when I was sad because I thought it would make me feel better.  I ate when I had a hard day because I deserved it dammit.  I ate when I was celebrating or excited!  And it was always foods full of carbs.  I always thought I was doing good because I was not a big sweets eater.  Give me a potato over cake any day!  But all those carbs turn into sugar.  So there ends up being very little difference.

I have no doubt that the ketogenic lifestyle I have now adapted will prolong my life.  It has certainly improved my quality of life.  And I feel better than I ever have before.


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