Stumbling Blocks - Stalls

If you're like me you have read TONS of information about losing weight and if anything is consistent, it's the fact that the weight loss stalls as some point.  A true stall can last weeks if not months.  Up to this point, I haven't had one last more than a week so I consider myself lucky.  However, it was still very frustrating.  When you are seriously watching what you eat and sticking perfectly to your plan, AND you're exercising consistently, AND you have changed anything that could affect your weight loss, you should be losing weight right?  Sigh... sometimes your body just hates you.  Seriously.

My advice?  Get over it and keep going.  Easier said than done I know but it is truly the only answer.  You'll drive yourself nuts otherwise.  Below I've listed a few reasons or solutions I've happened across but I have not tried any of them no do I recommend any.  Google them and do your own research but understand that EVENTUALLY, even changing nothing you should start to lose again.  As long as you stick with it.

Egg Fast - I have almost tried this multiple times but I just don't understand why or how this works.  With the egg fast, I would be taking in more calories so I just haven't tried it.  If I ever stall for more than a couple of weeks, I may give it a shot.

Shock your System - I've read that if you're doing low carb you could do a day where you eat a lot more carbs and that will shock your system into action.  Seems crazy to me but who knows?  Again, do your own research.

Fasting - I've seen several different recommendations to fast either for a day or longer.  I am not someone who can go more than a day without eating so I doubt I'll ever try this one.  Fasting can be dangerous if not done right though so do your research and I would even suggest running it by your physician before trying it.

Look closely at your diet - Some foods can cause stalls.  Some people are sensitive to dairy, artificial sweeteners, or other things.  I don't have a problem with dairy but I can't lose if I'm eating too many of the so called "low carb" processed foods such as Atkins products.  So try changing it up by looking closely at what you're eating.  Maybe cut one thing (like diet sodas) out and see if that makes a difference.

Patience - Maybe your body just hates you right now.  In my case, I've been overweight my entire adult life so my body has no idea what to think at the moment.  Sometimes, it desperately wants to hang on to those fat cells and refuses to let them go.  But inevitably I have a few days where the pounds just melt off.  I've had weeks were I lost nothing for 6-8 days and then the next week I lost 4-5 pounds.  Crazy but true.  So just be patient.  That's my best advice.


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