Exercise - The Bane of my Existence

DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor, trainer, or any other kind of professional in regards to a ketogenic diet. Everything you read below is based on my personal research and opinions.

April 19, 2017

I knew from the beginning that I didn't have to exercise to lose weight on a keto diet but because I had so much to lose, I also knew it wouldn't hurt.  Plus loose skin was going to be an issue.  I thought I'd go ahead and try the exercise and see if it helped.  Scientifically the truth is that if you burn more calories that you ingest, you're going to lose weight (check out this link).  In other words, burn 2200 calories a day between just your normal metabolism plus exercise but only consume 1200 then you are burning more than you're gaining which will cause a weight loss.  One pound is equal to about 3500 calories.  You can do the math... with a 1000 calorie deficit it'll take 3-4 days to lose a pound.

I started by walking about a mile a few days a week just around my neighborhood.  Eventually I realized I needed to step it up so I decided to join a gym.  Luckily I get a discount through work so that made it easy.  My first visit I got a free consult with one of the trainers and after talking to her about my goals, she helped me develop a basic routine on the weight machines and she taught me how to use them.  My goal was 20-30 minutes of strength training plus an hour of cardio 4-5 days a week.  So that's what I did from about March until sometime in May.  Some weeks I did better than others but I never went less than 3 days and that only happened once or twice.

At that point I was really losing weight and the loose skin was becoming very evident in some particular trouble spots.  So on the advice of a friend, I started looking for a personal trainer.  I found a wonderful woman named Luisa.  My first session with her was a free consult and we really hit it off.  So I started seeing her once a week and doing the gym 4 times a week.

I'm an elementary school librarian so have summers off.  Knowing I was going to have all this extra free time made me really want to kick up the workouts even more.  I LOVED working out with Luisa and felt like it was really working.  I wanted to work with her more but the truth is, as a teacher I am on a fixed budget.  BUT I realized how much less I was eating and figured out I could use my extra grocery money for extra sessions.  Yay!  So now I work out with her two days a week and go to the gym the other three.

I have muscles forming where I figured they'd atrophied.  LOL!  My arms, legs, back, torso... they're all becoming more firm and defined!  I still have a lot of loose skin but I've only been doing this 6 months.  It's going to take time and it may never all bounce back though I still hope for a lot of improvement.


  1. I love your blog and the inspiration and recipes that you share. I would love to follow it, but could not find where to "follow"!

    1. Thank you so much!! I'm still learning about all this and I didn't have a way for you to do that but now I do! I added a couple of options over on the right - follow by email or subscribe to. Hopefully one of those will work for you! Thank you for reading!


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